Phish, now the Ass Ponys.
On their album
Some Stupid With a Flare Gun (2000) the Ass Ponys have a song called
X-tra Nipple.
scatman crothers he and i are brothers
he’s got an x-tra nipple and i’m fascinated
that moms mabley i heard she had a baby
it’s got an x-tra nipple and i’m fascinated
i’m so fascinated by these special people
frank langella he’s my kind of fella
he’s got an x-tra nipple and i’m fascinated
bo-bo-barigmy chicks they really dig me
i’ve got an x-tra nipple and they’re fascinated
here’s my folded finger church and here’s the steeple
i’m so fascinated by these special people
So, to bring us up to date on our list of people with extra nipples, it looks like Scatman Crothers, Frank Langella, and Moms Mabley are all in the club. I'm sure that Chuck Cleaver of the
Ass Ponys did his homework. Better add him to the third nipple list too.
Moms Mabley
I haven't found anything to confirm that Moms Mabley had three nipples (or that her children did - the song lyrics are a bit obscure) but I'll put it up here in hopes that someone can give me more data. She still holds the record for the biggest selling comedy album by a woman ever.
For background info on Moms Mabley, click
here, and
Frank Langella
Again, the song says he has a third nipple, but I couldn't personally say. Frank has had a great career in some wonderful roles: Dracula, Zorro, Sherlock Holmes, Skeletor. Next up is Perry White in the new Superman movie.
More facts on Frank Langella are
here and
Scatman Crothers
Scatman Crothers? I didn't know that he and I were brothers! Cool. Tragically axed by Jack Nicholson in
The Shining (What a shock! He lives in the book!), he is also the voice of Cool Cat in
The Aristocats and the supercool
Hong Kong Phooey. Also Jazz in
The Transformers, but that's not nearly as cool. More facts on Scatman Crothers (still no confirmation on that superfluous nipple) are
here and