Carrie Underwood said (sorry no link -- the YouTube video has been removed) in her first American Idol audition, when Paula wasn't present, that she had a third nipple but had it removed even though it just looked like a mole.
These celebrities and their body modification... sometimes they just take it too far. Sure, nip this, tuck that, pierce here here and here, but dammit, don't go cutting off your nipples! Pink (Bob Geldof in "The Wall") cut his nipple off with a disposable razor and look how things turned out for him. (Hint: they turned out badly. He lost his freakin' mind. So don't cut off your nipples, okay?)
I wish people would stop denying their third nipple. This is an outrage to all triple nipplers.
you people make me sick. take your extra nipples ang live together in your dirty l;ittle commune. freaks
The 2:49 pmer anonymous, I have a third nipple and all it is is a small bump that looks like a mole so you need to quit fucking whining and suck it up.
I've always wished for an extra nipple or two--ever since I found out that this was a reality for some folks.
An extra finger would also be cool, but I'm glad I'm not a part of the Extra Toe Brigade.
If you have nipples that you're not using, contact me through my blog.
Let me join the club - I have three too
One of the reasons I'm voting for Obama is his promise (admittedly, not well-publicized) to offer reduced rates for those of us who've always wanted a third nipple and that he will include one "nipple-gifted" person to his Cabinet.
Haha, that would freak me out. I knew a man who had three nipples. He was crazy, and went to jail.
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