Actually, she outs her twin sister too. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! Twins, and they both have three nipples! You go, girl -- if you got it, flaunt it. (Or "flaunt tit," I like to say.)

My sister's third nipple is underneath her left breast, and it's inverted. Mine pokes out from under my right one. Face to face, we could practically plug into each other. (We figure that's where we broke apart.)
I love it! Conjoined at the superfluous nipple and separated at birth, like a little Lego piece. Third nipples rock.
I have a third nipple, and I hate it. For the longest time I have been ridiculed as a child growing up because of my race. Never mind I was not cool to other people in my school, never the less like everyone else I wanted to at least be cool. I was nice to everyone around me but the ones that were not nice I didnt even bother getting to know them. I have had this nipple all of my life and always wanted to get rid of it. Sexual intercourse was always a trial for me as I always thought men would think of me as a freak so I always stuck to the innocent virginity act : That is saving myself for the right man. Well I did, and infact it did not help me at all it only made it worse. I remained able to have sex with a numerous amount of partners outside in public without being able to take off my clothing. It was okay, but always cold, and because of this insecurity I never opened up why I used these men for sex. many of them wanted more from me and I never gave it to them due to the fact that I was really insecure about my body. never the less never had wild sex like many women did. It was then I thought to meet other men and try to open up these feelings of myself to them. I never actually did. My husband today is someone that is caring and accepting of inperfections as he feels that is what makes a person who they are. I feel the opposite I feel like it has held me back from who I really am. I feel like I could be the most beautiful person in the word sexually and I will never know it cause I never got to free myself from this insecurity. I feel like Mark Wahlberg is an idiot because if he wasn't making as much money as he was he wouldn't be embracing his so called third nipple as the only reason why he is is that it adds to his notariety. Plus it doesn't hurt that he makes more money than the average person like me!
Wow, I feel for you but, as you said yourself, the key word is insecurity.
Any doctor would have removed it for you if you had actually asked, so don't go using it as an excuse for everything you don't like about your life. There are billions of people out there who have it much worse than you do and they manage to be happy.
As for your theory of only rich people embracing their exceptionalities, I love my third nipple and I'm no Mr. Moneybags. Just ask my 30-year-old car.
You can never have enough nipples. But two breasts oughtta do it.
hey i gotta know is the 3rd nipple sensitive or not?
Yes, loony, it certainly is. I can't speak for other third nipples, but even though mine is slightly smaller than the other two, it's just as responsive. Perks up in the cold and everything!
i guess that means my triple nipple is dead, i cant feel anyfin with mine... my mates used to call my third nipple 'thirty' it was all in good fun though... at one stage my nicknames were titsiana & titsy
i guess you could say i embraced havin a third nipple!
Gosh, reading all this makes me regret having my third nipple removed!
I had breast reduction surgery at 19, and the doctor offered to get rid off the third nipple as a bonus. Interestingly I used to be extremely perceptive and (some joked) psychic when I was younger. I just 'knew things about people and places, not really knowing where the information came from. I am not really like that anymore though, the ability just left me. It wasn't much practical use so I didn't miss it.
After reading that third nipples gives you 'extra' powers, I am beginning to wonder if there is a connection..
spooooky!!!! Did I castrate my witchiness?????????????? ;-)
Just curious if anyone with a third nipple was born on April 16th? Our friends daughter was born today with a thrid nipple which my husband also has and also born today April 16th.
I've always been so annoyed just from the thought of having a third nipple but my mom tries to make me feel better because she and most of the women in my family has a third nipple, but im starting to get used to it now and my boyfriend thinks its just the cutest thing...but god i hope my daughter doesnt have a third nipple lol
I was born July 3 and I have a 3rd nipple. Sorry to ruin the corrilation :(
i was born with a 3rd nipple under my left breast. ever since i could rember my siblings had always teased me about it. i was always so embarresed when they told people. when i was 12 and ahd come into high school i was worried about what boys would think of it so i went to the doctors sugery and had an operation to have it removed. now i have a small scar there but it is better cause it does'nt hurt when i were bra's and i can wear small swimmers without people seeing it and through sexual experiences boys did''nt think bad of me only that they thought i had breat cancer. i am more happy and proud of my body then i have ever been since that is also the year my eating disorders had finally finished and i am back to normel.....
My friend has a 3rd nipple and we make jokes and give them names like nip nippy n nipnip but she should be proud cos she is individual, glad to see every1 else is!
i have a 3rd nipple aswell but mine doesnt seem as bad as urs, mines is only very little and cant be seen unless im naked =]
i never knew how many people really had 3rd nipples i just thought i was unlucky as i was born on friday 13th (august)but mine doesn't bother me at all and isn't sensitive but some people bug me about it at skwl.
Im a 18 year old female and i have a 3rd nipple.... its good to see i am not the only one... i think its kinda cool..
Wow, I'm thrilled to see all these latest comments -- I don't know what's happened, but the traffic numbers for this site are through the roof!
Thanks for all your stories, and I'd love to hear more. I'm moving to a new home right now and I'll post more when I get some time.
Until then, feel free to email me photos and stories at Thanks!
I have 4 nipples but i wasnt born with them they only developed over the last year but i think there quite jokes.
so if its true that you get special powers with extra nipples then im the harry potter of the extra nipple world. lol.
Hello. I'm Twyla and i'm born 16th of april. haha thought that was a chuckle and i'm the new mum to a beautiful 7 week old with... you guessed it...she's a tri-nippler. I'm so glad she's in good company. Most of you sound like it's a cool novelty that makes you cool and different and i hope she has that same outlook. I can't wait to tell my partner that there's other's out there like our little girl. Love all the names you guys are making up for it! Twyla, (Mum to Sommer)
Hey, Im 14 And Want To Get Of My Third Nipple, But Can I Get It Done Without My Mum Knowing?
Does Any1 Noo?
Wb Pleasee :D
i am 14 aswell and i have a third nipple i think and i really hate it, it makes me really inscure and i hate my body because of it, i would really like to get rid of it but i am to embarresed to ask my mum... any advice?
Wow for those that hate their bodies and lives because of a third nipple that is about 3mm in length, that's pathatic. seriously. It's not your third nipple that makes you feel bad it's your self-esteem. I have a third nipple and my friends love me, guys either dont care or think its unique and special.
No one would make you feel bad about it unless you let them, or expect them to. All of you are probably very beautiful and have a lot more to offer than just your body. Ask any friend or lover. He doesn't love you because of the presence or absense of your third nipple. He loves you for your mind, your smile, your love, your passion..
You are special, take it and run with it; because God knows the measures people go to to be different/special in this world.
im 13 i have a third nipple i hate it sooo much i want to get rid of it soo bad
i dont want boyzz to thin im a freek and like not have sex with me because of it not that im goning to hav sex,outside of my family knows so i dont get ma fun of.but i fell really inscure about it my my trys to make me feel better but i still hate it!!
thank godness nobody
where do i go ???
I'm nearly 18 and also have a 3rd nipple, or a nubbin as chanler from friends calls it, was watching that epposide there, thats what made me look for a website about them actually, i hate mine too and would love to get it removed, think im going to once i turn 18, my mum knows im insecure about it, so she would support me 100% but i just dont know
where to go? or
what to do?
does it cost?
Somebody please write back with details..
Signed - Insecure teen.
hahahaha you stupid idiot.
3rd nipples make you smart, everyone knows that.
hey, I'm a 16 year old guy and I got a third nipple, it is to the right of my left nipple. I got no real issues with it but I want to know if it is normal (as normal as extra nipples get) for guys to have them too.
would it be a thrd nipple if its on the same boob as your other nipple?
hey im 15. i know i have a third nipple but i think i have a fourth one. it kinda makes a rectangle on my chest if u connect the dots. their actually located in the smae place both right under each nipple. i want to get them removed but i have no job so no money. but after reading this ill reconsider.
Well,i have a third nipple under my right breast and i was born on the 9th of april,sometimes i love it but hate it when people see it because my mom used 2 force me 2 show some of my family members and they all laugh at sometimes ashamed of it and cant tell my boyfriend ,who is very much inlove with me,im afraid he might freak out.atleast my granma likes it and says it makes me special and gives me character
Yup 16th April. Freaky.
well i have one & i was born on the 26th of july. i havent really been that insecure about it , but now im getting older & wearing bikinis & things like that i am becoming insecure. my friend noticed it & asked me what it was, i told her it was a bite & she belived me. but i cant keep that up forever. i also wore a plaster over it so people wouldnt notice. i think i should tell my boyfriend as he is understanding & i can make a joke of it :) it makes me laugh but then annoys me. i might go to the doctors and see what they say about it, but im not sure that i want surgery. so i think i will just see how things go... this is more of an essay now, but i feel better that it isnt just me & that im not a wierdo so thankyou :)
thnx for all who have wrote their stories. i am african and i used to feel bad about it but reading this gives me more hope knowing am not alone.
I have a third nipple underneath my left breast.
I've never had a problem with it.
I used to show it to anyone who asked (even though I was/am modest). It was cute, and no big deal for me at all.
I can't see it anymore because it's under my breast though. I kind of miss it actually.
Years ago I knew a guy with two extra nipples.
There's nothing wrong with having an extra nipple. If you're still worried, then tell people it's a birthmark. (Which is the truth.)
Well, I have a third nipple but I want to get it removed as it is causing me pain and discomfort. I also feel embarrassed although no one can see it any way. What would it cost to get it removed and how would the doctor remove it? If anyone has the answers I would be most grateful. Thank you. :)
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