Mena Suvari, star of American Beauty, is featured on a website devoted to celebrities and their various dermatological conditions. Okay, now that's weird. We're only concerned with nipples here, thank you very much.
American bombshell Mena Suvari has more than just a beauty mark on her face. She also has this brown lesion on her right trunk. Though this may be a mole, its appearance and location are also consistent with an extra nipple.

Sorry, but to me it looks like a mole. Still, not a bad excuse to put a photo of her up here...
It looks like a mole, but it really IS a third nipple. I did a post about third nipples. It's archived in my Sept. posts.
I heard marky mark has a third nipple. Apparently it looks like it has been removed. But my friend made out with him and said she thought it was a big zit, then we heard about it on the radio a year later and knew it must be true.
Phoenix: I don't mean to doubt your word, but unless you've been intimate with Ms. Suvari, well, I kinda doubt your word. Swear to me that it got perky when you breathed on it and I'll believe you. Until then, I've seen enough superfluous nipples to doubt this one. Besides, women are sometimes more sensitive to public displays of their nipples than men are. Especially in publicity stills.
Sasha: See further down on the main page (archived in September 2005) for photo of Mark Wahlberg's extra nipple and for the news story about him deciding not to remove it.
It looks like a Third Nipple, pretty much like mine.
I would never think that is nipple. Maybe it's half a nipple, but a whole one... Na! I think that is a mole, that I would believe it.
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