Saturday, November 26, 2005

The BBC Has Three Nipples! (Or Possibly Four)

I recently discovered a post about third nipples on one of the BBC's subdomains - a Wikipedia-style encyclopedia called h2g2, after the beloved Douglas Adams world of The Hitchhikers's Guide To The Galaxy.

While I am thrilled to discover another reference guide for the owners of superfluous nipples, I was disappointed to find no new information on it. I suppose the subject matter isn't exactly of earth-shattering importance, so it's nice to see supernumerary nipples represented at all. Props to the peeps.

Actually, the most interesting fact on the page is that the editor, who shall remain anonymous, claims to have four nipples. That's two extras!

I'm sure they don't mean to imply that Tripple Nipples are in any way inferior to "Quad-Nips," or we'd have to settle it somehow - say, a company softball game or something. Dare to dream...


Anonymous said...

Yep with only three nipples you are in sum ways inferior! Im sixteen and have two 'extra nipples' but i hate them i cant wear a bikini because that makes them on show and no one ever posts where to get rid of the damn things so cud u do that 1 nxt!

Anonymous said...

u can go into the doctors and arrange a minor operation 2 get rid of them it will leave scars but thats prob betta than more annoyin nipples. if u got the bottle 2 go 2 the doctors then thats it.

Dread Pirate Robert said...

why would you want to get rid of them? I like mine.

Anonymous said...

Why would you call those nipples instead of moles? The two above are nipples. Maybe, I am just an old fashion man.

Anonymous said...

hey i have four nipples and i think mine are awsome, i would never want to get rid of them

Anonymous said...

that is so sweet i have nipples just like that untill now i thought i was the only one lol

Anonymous said...

Well, the editor isn't the only one that I can name! I decided to do some reading up on the supernumerary nipple subject, as I just visited the surgeon this morning and was diagnosed with it. I have two extras as well, in the same place as this picture shows.

Unfortunately, mine are being removed a few Thursdays from now... my mother's choice...


As I reread my post, I find it a bit strange how having extra nipples is somewhat... exciting?

MissM13 said...

I have four nipples. I just recently had them all pierced. My extra nipples are above my natural nipples. I used to dislike them. Now that they are pierced, I think they are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

i dont know why anyone would want to get rid of nipples. i count all four of mine blessings. theure part of who i am. if i got rid of them, i know i'd regret it.

Anonymous said...

Ohmygod, I used to have four nipples, but I got one removed.
I completely regret it. I should've gotten it pierced lmao.
I've still got triple though. :/

Anonymous said...

im 15 and have 2 extra nipples and i hate them. i cant were a bikini or anything because there disgusting and i cant go to the doctors to get them removed so it sucks even more

Anonymous said...

I got quad nips n used to hate them n got the mik taken out of me but now I like them they rock I thought I was the only one but I saw on Friday night project the very sexy lilly Allen has 3 nips so I'm cool with mine they make me stand out from the crowd if the girls dont like em fuk em scuse my language

Anonymous said...

i have three and all mine produced milk when i was breast feeding. untill i had my son i never new i had a third one, didnt notice it by my arm pit untill my milk came in, then thought it was a spot till i sqeezed it,the what a shock the thing produced milk every time my son fed,had to exspess it every 3 hours, by the second week could get it to go about 6 feet across the room and hit anyone nearby, sound sick now but it was funny at the time

tyler reynolds said...

I'm 17 and i think that my 4 nipples are the best thing ever. but up until i did some research i thought that they were called "auxiliary nipples" that's what the doctor told my mom when i was born at least. i didn't really notice them tell i started to hit puberty and was checking myself out in the mirror. ofter that i became really selfconcous and didn't walk around shirtless for the longest time. then i started to think that they made me more of a person. now that i know that there are more people like me i think that it is even better. HAVING 4 NIPPLES ROCKS!! :)